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Valentina Carlile
In my daily professional practice, I often talk to colleagues and answer patients' questions on topics relating to the Voice, Osteopathy and Singing.
I realized that these topics generate great interest and deserve to be shared with a wider audience. This is why I decided to open this space in my blog: to make this precious information accessible to everyone, presented in a clear and direct way.
Here you will find articles and reflections that I hope will enrich your knowledge and answer your curiosities in these fascinating and complex fields.

Valentina Carlile DO
2 days ago1 min read
What is vocal quality and what influences it?
Vocal quality is the quantification of its acoustic characteristics in relation to reference values established in the scientific...

Valentina Carlile DO
Feb 181 min read
The role of the Osteopath in pitch management
The fundamental frequency (F0) represents the number of times the vocal cords vibrate per second. It reflects the biomechanical...

Valentina Carlile DO
Feb 111 min read
Managing the voice patient for vocal intensity improvement
The amplitude of a sound wave determines its intensity (measured in dB) and expresses the strength with which the sound is produced....

Valentina Carlile DO
Feb 42 min read
Osteopathy, Voice, Singing: Voice Acoustics and the Search for Primary Dysfunction in Osteopathy
Acoustics is the branch of physics that studies sound waves in detail, including their production, transmission, storage, perception, and...

Valentina Carlile DO
Jan 281 min read
Osteopathy, Voice, and Singing: Phonatory Adjustments
When working with a voice patient, beyond ensuring the acquisition of proper vocal technique, it is essential to investigate the...

Valentina Carlile DO
Jan 211 min read
Osteopathy, Voice, and Singing: What is impact stress?
In vocology, we often hear about impact stress, but what exactly does this term mean? Impact stress refers to the collision that occurs...

Valentina Carlile DO
Jan 141 min read
Osteopathy for Voice and Singing: Discussing Vocal Onsets
Subglottic pressure (Psub) and Phonation Threshold Pressure (PTP) influence both the initiation and maintenance of phonation, provided...

Valentina Carlile DO
Jan 71 min read
Osteopathy for Voice and Singing: Exploring the Concept of Subglottic Pressure
Over the years, many characteristics have contributed to defining subglottic pressure (Psub).A universal concept is that without...

Valentina Carlile DO
Dec 31, 20241 min read
Educational Benefits of Singing
The educational benefits of singing involve an increase in knowledge, understanding, and skills about the world around us, both in music...

Valentina Carlile DO
Dec 24, 20241 min read
Musical Benefits of Singing
The musical benefits include: 1 Realizing Our Musical Potential Singing enhances our intellectual engagement with music. This includes...

Valentina Carlile DO
Dec 17, 20241 min read
Social Benefits of Singing
The social benefits are linked to a greater sense of social inclusion. Good singing ability is strongly associated with a positive sense...

Valentina Carlile DO
Dec 10, 20242 min read
Psychological Benefits of Singing
The psychological benefits of singing are related to: Intrapersonal Communication and Development of Individual Identity, Both in Music...

Valentina Carlile DO
Oct 1, 20241 min read
Lower back pain in pregnancy
Back pain during pregnancy can range from mild pain associated with specific activities to more acute or chronic pain that persists...

Valentina Carlile DO
Sep 23, 20242 min read
Treatment options and exercises for ankle sprain
During the treatment and recovery period of an ankle sprain, patients are typically advised to avoid strenuous activities as there is a...

Valentina Carlile DO
Sep 17, 20241 min read
Symptoms and grades of ankle sprain
There are two types of ankle strains and sprains. Typically, the ankle is twisted inward (an inversion ankle sprain) or outward (an...

Valentina Carlile DO
Sep 10, 20242 min read
Causes of ankle sprains and strains
Ankle sprains/strains are very common injuries. They can occur during sports and other physical activities, but they can also occur...

Valentina Carlile DO
Sep 2, 20241 min read
What are ankle sprains and strains?
Ankle sprains and strains are two injuries that are often confused. These two injuries can cause pain and difficulty walking. Both terms...

Valentina Carlile DO
Aug 27, 20241 min read
Osteopathic treatment for myotensive headache
Unlike treatments that focus only on symptoms, osteopathic treatment aims to treat the problem at its source through a thorough...

Valentina Carlile DO
Aug 19, 20241 min read
Exercises for myotensive headache
Proper posture can help curb the frequency of tension headaches by reducing the amount of stress placed on the neck and shoulder muscles,...

Valentina Carlile DO
Aug 13, 20241 min read
Traditional treatment for myotensive headache
There are several conservative treatment methods that you can try at home before consulting a doctor. If the pain is mild and infrequent,...

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