Valentina Carlile
In my daily professional practice, I often talk to colleagues and answer patients' questions on topics relating to the Voice, Osteopathy and Singing.
I realized that these topics generate great interest and deserve to be shared with a wider audience. This is why I decided to open this space in my blog: to make this precious information accessible to everyone, presented in a clear and direct way.
Here you will find articles and reflections that I hope will enrich your knowledge and answer your curiosities in these fascinating and complex fields.
Osteopathy and Voice - Impact of the auditory system on phonation
Osteopathy and Voice: Fundamentals of vocal production, physical biomechanics
Osteopathy and Voice: Mechanical stresses in the vocal cords
Voice and Singing Osteopathy: Anatomy and structure of the vocal cords
What is the voice? Definition, anatomy and parameters that make it irreproducible
Laryngeal development
Larynx formation
Osteopathy and Voice: Functional dysphonia, history of P.
Osteopathy and Voice: Post-surgical Reinke's Edema, History of L.
Osteopathy and Voice - Irritable Larynx Syndrome: Story of P.
Deaf-mutism: Functional MRI can predict children's language skills
Osteopathy in the treatment and prevention of vocal hemorrhage with consequences of polyps, nodules, cysts
Voice and Singing Osteopathy - Parathyroid adenoma surgery, dysphonia, chordal paralysis, vocal asthenia
Osteopathy and Voice: Spasmodic Dysphonia, story of A.
Osteopathy and Voice: Functional Dysphonia from Birth, History of T.
Osteopathy and Singing: Menopause and Loss of High Vocal Range, History of M.
Health: osteopath, for AstroSam at the return marathon effect and shrill voice
Osteopathy, Voice and Song: The Artistic Voice and the first symptoms of menopause
Osteopathy and Stuttering: and what can I do between one osteopathic treatment and another?
Health: the singer's Osteopath, healing the voice can heal the body