Valentina Carlile
In my daily professional practice, I often talk to colleagues and answer patients' questions on topics relating to the Voice, Osteopathy and Singing.
I realized that these topics generate great interest and deserve to be shared with a wider audience. This is why I decided to open this space in my blog: to make this precious information accessible to everyone, presented in a clear and direct way.
Here you will find articles and reflections that I hope will enrich your knowledge and answer your curiosities in these fascinating and complex fields.
Osteopathy and Singing: Vocal extension and range, the importance of knowing one's limits
Osteopathy and Voice - Pilots and astronauts, vocal accelerations and decelerations
Causes of dysphonia
Voice and Singing Osteopathy: Do I breathe and emit sounds correctly? Self Observation and Evaluatio
Health: treating the voice with your hands, the osteopath of the stars is Italian
Osteopathy, Voice and Singing: block of the phonatory tripod and loss of the high vocal range, histo
Osteopathy Voice and Song: Reinke's Edema, story of I.
Osteopathy, thyroidectomy and vocal disorders
Osteopathic approach to Reinke's edema
Osteopathy: How to treat voice disorders and improve it
Osteopathy and Voice: Vocal Cord Dysfunction, Story of C.
Why are the vocal cords so called?
Osteopathy and Voice - Dysarthria and Dyslalias from Neurological Diseases, Parkinson's: Story of E.
Osteopathy and stuttering: history of B.
Osteopathy and Otitis: Why do children develop recurrent and chronic ear infections? Treatment prop
Osteopathy and Voice: Sigmatism, the story of A.
Osteopathy and voice, "frayed" vocal cord: the story of L.
What does the pain tell us?
Osteopathy and stuttering: story of R.