Osteopathy is a Healthcare Profession, as identified by L.3/2018, with a very specific Professional Profile, included in the Prevention area.
This profession recognizes the importance between the structure of the human body and the way it functions.
An osteopathic treatment consists of a combination of release techniques and specific adjustments of soft tissues, joints, ligaments, tendons. Drainage and rebalancing techniques for body fluids are also used. Advice may be given regarding “self-healing” exercises.
"An Osteopath is only a human engineer, who should understand all the laws governing his engine and thereby master disease"
(AT Still)
"To find health should be the object of the doctor. Any one can find disease"
(AT Still)
Common ailments such as back pain, lumbago and joint problems are addressed, aiming for an effective and lasting resolution
Musculoskeletal pain
From migraines and headaches to digestive disorders, taking care of your health comprehensively to improve your quality of life
Acute and Chronic Disorders
Alongside future mothers and patients in the post-operative phase with dedicated treatments that facilitate well-being and recovery
Pregnancy and Post-Surgical
A variety of manual techniques to treat tension, dysfunction and pain, promoting your musculoskeletal, visceral and craniosacral health
Specific Osteopathic Treatments
The journey to wellness begins with
a detailed assessment to identify the roots of your discomfort and plan a
tailor-made treatment path
Personalized osteopathic consultation and diagnosis
Preventive treatment plans to help you stay in the best possible health and prevent conditions from returning.
Preventive Maintenance Programs
During the First Visit, an interview takes place to collect useful information to understand the origin and cause of the complained problem. The Osteopath may ask you to perform some movements to check the extent of the disorder.
Next, the Osteopath will use his highly specialized palpation on areas of weakness, tension, restriction or strain in your body. The Osteopath will then develop an osteopathic diagnosis and discuss it with the patient to whom he will propose the osteopathic treatment deemed useful. The treatment will be aimed at restoring normal joint stability and function.
The Osteopath often begins treatment by releasing, relaxing and lengthening stiff muscles and joints, using massage techniques, rhythmic articulatory movements and muscle release techniques. The Osteopath, if necessary, can use high-speed, low-amplitude manipulative techniques on the spine or other joints. Furthermore, other techniques can be used on the viscera and skull, depending on the problem encountered. A treatment lasts on average 30 – 45 minutes and, often, multiple sessions are necessary which are planned and discussed during the first visit.
Patients can then decide to plan preventive and maintenance treatments to avoid recurring problems.
Areas of Prevention
Primary prevention
It is the main form of prevention that includes all
interventions which, by counteracting causes and predisposing factors, hinder the onset of diseases.
The Osteopath in this therapeutic phase will also suggest changes in habits and
bad behavior, environmental changes
Secondary prevention
Its objective is the early identification of subjects with
disorders or at high risk so as to be able to direct the healing mechanism, or prevent its onset and/or progression
Tertiary prevention
It is aimed at reducing the severity and complications of ailments now
established and often borders on therapy, for example when it deals with managing deficits and
functional disabilities consequent to a dysfunctional pathological state