Vocal artists, like professional athletes, need an increasingly better technical-biomechanical condition to perform at optimal levels. A physical system that requires long, complex productions or programming that increases the normal wear and tear of ligaments, joints, muscles and vocal mucosa can produce voice disturbances and/or damage to the vocal cords.
In these cases the Performer must be seen by a Voice Team, a team of experts in professional voice management, who know exactly the impact of specific vocal requests associated with the performance, and which includes all the professional figures responsible for the care and management of the voice, from diagnosis, to therapy, to vocal training, each for its own skills (Rubin, 1998).
The work of the team often turns out to be more decisive in vocal emergencies, which typically arise immediately before or during the performance.
Vocal clinical history, current vocal demands, current vocal changes such as quality, fatigue, range, etc., will be examined by the Team Professionals together with the videostroboscopic evaluation.
It will thus be possible to quickly determine whether a pathology exists and whether or not this could worsen or be harmful if you continue to sing, also requiring you to postpone and/or cancel production dates to allow complete vocal rest. A careful phoniatric, medical-surgical, organ biomechanics and vocal management evaluation will guide the best therapeutic strategy for the improvement or recovery of the abilities that have been lost (Klein and Johns, 1997), in a post recovery program surgical or, again, the Team will have the necessary skills to make the best management decisions (pharmacological, functional subsystems, biomechanical schemes, technique) if the singer decides to continue performing.
An approach of this type distinguishes the complete and precise rehabilitation of the Artist from the mere single-professional therapeutic management. With effective collaboration and an ad personam therapeutic strategy for the individual Artist, the most appropriate treatment will lead to a prompt return to activity and protection from future injuries (Rubin, Harris, 1997,1998; Klein, Johns, 2007).
Over the years, associations have been created on a global level that manage networks of professionals in charge of the item to be referred to or in any case, by turning to the best professionals in the sector, they themselves will direct them to the most suitable contacts/collaborators according to their needs.