Dysphonia and the main manual and physical therapy techniques to help dysphonic patients and performers with voice problems were the focus of the conference organized today (30 November) in the Auditorium of the Capannori Health Center by the Local Health Authority of North West Tuscany, in particular from the Otolaryngology structure of the San Luca hospital in Lucca, with the contribution of the Order of Doctors of Lucca.
Among the speakers of the event, entitled "Voice disorders and manual therapy in phoniatry", in addition to the director of the Otolaryngology of Lucca Riccardo Mario Piane, also professionals from various fields such as Federica Buriani (Barga), Valentina Carlile (Milan), Giuliana Cecchi (Versilia), Marilena Chiorazzo (Lucca), Franco Fussi (Ravenna), Paola Graziani (Florence), Iris Mariotti (Versilia), Daniele Raggi (Milan), Barbara Ramella (Milan), Roberta Vannucchi (Lucca and Versilia).
The knowledge of new therapeutic approaches, which can also be used for preventive purposes - it was highlighted during the works - is a skill that should not be missing from the cultural background of those who deal with the voice.
Source: https://www.lagazzettadilucca.it/piana/2019/11/capannori-un-focus-sui-disturbi-della-voce-con-esperti-di-level-nazionale/