"Chapeau" to the 'seniors' who performed on the Sanremo stage. Evening after evening "they are demonstrating that advancing years, if well managed, is not at all an obstacle to the profession and that at any age you can be an artist and do well". Words from Valentina Carlile, a Milanese osteopath who uses her hands to treat the uvulas of international singers who have sold millions of copies. On the eve of the final of the Festival, the expert explains to AdnKronos Salute how, from the performances of the most experienced big names, we can draw "a lesson in vocal longevity", useful primarily for the younger artists in the competition, but also for the public in the life of everyday.
TAKE CARE OF THE PHYSICAL - The message is that, however it is used - for work or in social relationships - the voice is a precious asset and represents us. It is a piece of our identity and aging healthily also means knowing how to preserve it. As? The number one teaching, the one valid for everyone, singers or not, is "take care of your body. Even to maintain your voice - warns the expert - it is important to follow a lifestyle aimed at length, rather than based on contingency". The 'director' of phonation is in fact the larynx which, "being a suspended organ, is affected by all the changes undergone by the body in terms of hormonal variations, weight and muscle tone". So green light for sport, moderate but constant; healthy and balanced diet; correct breathing-friendly hydration, with lots of water and limits on smoking and alcohol.
BE AWARE OF RETOUCHES - Another transversal piece of advice is that "aesthetics must also be managed. If 'touch-ups' intervene on muscular parts or elastic tissues - warns the osteopath - the risk is that of compromising the ability to articulate sounds". In short, in the plastic surgeon's or aesthetic doctor's office, "everything is fine and everything can be done, but if it is done judiciously".
LEARNING FROM THE 'SENIORS' - And then there are the 'tips' for the new talents of singing: the experience of long-standing artists - best known to the record industry and to the general public, but also 'at the registry office' - according to expert "should serve as an example to young people to understand how important it is to focus heavily on study and therefore on technique". The voice is an instrument that must be exercised and trained with the right exercises and wise guidance. "You need to learn to sing in your own comfort zone, without overdoing it or trying to imitate other voices. Finding an identity to remain faithful to, follow it and develop it" is the best way to be recognised, appreciated and 'last' over time.
FOR A VOICE FROM THE PODIUM - Again. To become 'consummate' singers without 'wearing out', you also need to know how to measure yourself ("Don't stick one night after another without the right recovery time") and adopt some behind-the-scenes tricks: "Before the performance it's better to stay light with food - is the suggestion - perhaps nibbling here and there" snacks capable of giving an immediate energy injection, such as dried or dehydrated fruit.
In view of the last stages of the Sanremo event - the final of the young people and that of the big names - the voice osteopath invites the former to "stay concentrated" and the latter to "stay calm: they bring all their experiences onto the stage, they don't have to prove anything because they have already said everything."
In her studio in the heart of Milan, at the Turati Medical Center, since last summer Valentina has been working with the otolaryngologist Orietta Calcinoni, head of the ENT Service for the Teatro alla Scala, in the Vmpct (Voice & Music Professionals Care Team). Their mission is to try together to offer 360-degree assistance, taking care of the clinical aspect, but also pursuing study and research purposes.
The osteopath uses positive words to comment on "the Sanremo of returns", the one that "many were waiting for the return of the greats of Italian song". It is no coincidence that "the topics covered this year were also more introspective, more linked to experiential maturity. For example - analyzes the expert - we find texts in which we reflect on how to overcome one's limits (The Vibrations), yes it tells of experiences lived and places seen (Red Canzian), of hardships perceived (Fogli-Facchinetti), or even of the time that does not necessarily kill love (Vanoni), of people who every day have to face illnesses or other difficulties that life puts us before us (Avitabile-Servillo), until we arrive at Arrivedorci by Elio e le Storie Tese".
The younger ones instead focus on "social and everyday problems such as cell phone addiction (Diodato-Paci), terrorism (Meta-Moro), the desire to protect (Rubino), the tendency to judge others by the profession they do (The Welfare State), love as an antidote to negativity (Caccamo) or a means to overcome obstacles with optimism (The Kolors)". Then Decibel's homage to the 'Duke' David Bowie, the romanticism of the Roman dedication that Luca Barbarossa addresses to his wife, the legend who makes music with Max Gazzé. And finally love, the Sanremo theme par excellence, comes to life with Noemi, Mario Biondi, Annalisa, Ron and Nina Zilli. In short, "there really is something for all tastes. This year more than ever - concludes the singers' osteopath - the entire history of our song parades on the Sanremo stage".
Fonte: https://www.adnkronos.com/lunga-vita-alla-voce-la-lezione-di-sanremo_1QANADN3dnEux4BnTqeb0o