In vocology, we often hear about impact stress, but what exactly does this term mean?
Impact stress refers to the collision that occurs at the level of the vocal cords when they are set into vibration.
If this collision is repeated with a certain force, frequency, and duration, it can cause vocal damage.
The resulting damage can include nodules, polyps, cysts, and, when integrated into a functional—or rather, dysfunctional—pattern with shear stresses, even polyps.
It is therefore a biomechanical load, distinct from hard onsets, influenced by factors such as vocal intensity, F0, degree of vocal cord adduction, glottal constriction, and sudden or excessive increases in subglottic pressure.
When is impact stress most likely to occur?
During hard glottal closures, where there is a sudden stop of air resulting in a sharp adduction of the vocal cords.
During breathy endings, where there is reduced adduction with relaxation of the glottis.
The most physiologically balanced option is the soft ending, where there is synchronicity between the reduction in airflow and cord adduction.
Laryngeal manipulation techniques from validated protocols, especially intrinsic ones, which restore proper phonatory balance, are a valuable tool during voice rehabilitation and education, whether for speaking or singing.
Valentina Carlile - Osteopath specializing in Osteopathy for Voice and Speech Disorders since 2002. For information and bookings, visit the Contact page.