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Valentina Carlile Osteopata
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Sanremo, the singers' osteopath's decalogue for a podium voice

Writer's picture: Valentina Carlile DOValentina Carlile DO

Sanremo, the singers' osteopath's decalogue for a podium voice

Milan, 11 feb. (AdnKronos Salute)

Rest and relieve stress, warm up your voice without straining it too much, drink water and above all smile. Because Sanremo is Sanremo, and singing using your heart is the best way to reach that of the spectators. A few hours before the final of the 67th Italian Song Festival, she draws up the decalogue for the artists still competing Valentina Carlile, a Milanese osteopath who treats golden uvulas of international caliber with her hands. Stars of pop, but also of opera, names from our house and planetary stars with millions of copies sold. Born in '74, the expert boasts collaborations with tours of names such as Madonna, Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston and Lady Gaga. You don't miss an edition of the flower festival and you comment on the latest one at AdnKronos Salute.

Sanremo 2017? "Beautiful, fresh and light - says the singers' osteopath - Finally the Festival is once again pleasant to watch from start to finish". And the artists? "A beautiful expression of what the Italian musical panorama represents today". If "the classic and historical big names such as Fiorella Mannoia, Albano, Paola Turci, Ron and Marco Masini, just to name a few, have certainly not disappointed expectations, confirming their competence, management and control of the voice", even the young they have a lot to say, the expert analyzes. For example "Chiara: she has consolidated her style, a very recognizable voice that can be traced back to her". Or "Ermal Meta: excellent return, more mature and more vocally complete". And "then there are the big names in talent and social media, who certainly meet the expectations of their audience, all of whom are technically more mature and better able to manage their voice" compared to their debut on TV or the Internet. One of the commandments to avoid 'cues' on the most coveted stage of Italian music is to relax. Because if being in the spotlight is difficult in general, those at the Flower Festival make you 'sweat' more. "Tension plays tricks on the voice - warns Carlile - Studies confirm the influence of rigidity and tense emotional states on vocal quality and management. As in all things, experience helps in this case too, despite the stage Ariston can dominate anyone, even the most expert and seasoned artist."

The voice therapist also promotes the hosts on the report card and the organization of the lineup on the various evenings. "Compared to the last edition - observes the expert - the times for the guests' interventions were more streamlined and contained". Interludes that "did not last long enough to make people forget the last song they listened to, or to make the competitors cool down excessively while waiting for the performance". A significant advantage, assures Carlile, because "when the times are not respected the artists often suffer warm-ups that end long before the actual performance and unnerving waits". But who will win in the end? The osteopath of singers prefers not to go too far, even if "I certainly have my favorites in terms of style, technique and history. Like Mannoia and Turci, for example". For them and for everyone else, here is the decalogue for a final entry: 1) Avoid physical efforts that could excessively stress the phonatory muscles;

2) Always perform an adequate warm-up of the voice. Unfortunately, television times are not always artists' friends, but having a structured routine still helps;

3) Drink and hydrate adequately, especially in relation to the degree of humidity/dryness of the environment in which you remain;

4) Don't abuse your voice during rehearsals;

5) Get adequate rest. Physical and mental fatigue have important repercussions on the voice;

6) Avoid smoking;

7) Avoid alcohol, they create dryness and in large quantities have repercussions on proprioception and coordination;

8) Test the acoustic control in the room adequately;

9) Carefully prepare the vocal setting for the appropriate key;

10) Smile!



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