At least once in our lives we have all heard that poor oral hygiene can lead to heart problems. But why should this happen? What is the relationship between these two structures?
There is a problem, which is endocarditis, that is, an inflammation of the internal lining of the heart, or of the endocardium which, in its infectious origin, can have as its vehicle the bacteria of dental plaque, the viridans streptococci, the same ones that create problems affecting the gums and periodontium. This is why it is important to adopt correct and regular oral hygiene.
The subjects considered most at risk and for whom, on a preventative level, antibiotic prophylaxis during dental/dental surgery is indicated are:
· Prosthetic valve wearers
· Patients who have already suffered from infective endocarditis
· Subjects with congenital heart disease
· Heart transplant recipients
For everyone else, the best prevention remains correct and regular dental hygiene