Milan, 11 feb. (AdnKronos Salute)
"Putting your heart in your voice" to climb the podium of the Flower Festival. Precisely 'because Sanremo is Sanremo', the singing event most followed by Italians (and not only) from all over the world must fully represent the Italian soul. The joy, cheerfulness and knowing how to live that make our country the international capital of sentiment. "Singing relaxed, fresh and comfortable. Erasing anxiety and tension" that dry the tongue and take the breath away. In a word, "really put all your heart into it. The heart in the voice". Valentina Carlile, the Italian osteopath who treats the uvula of stars with her hands, thus addresses the artists competing in the 5 days of Sanremo. "Overall score 8", is the 'report card' of the expert who boasts among her clients some big names who took to the stage of the 66th edition
Valentina, born in 1974, from Sesto San Giovanni in Milan, in her career has included collaborations with a long series of 'VIPs' of Italian song, pop and increasingly operatic voices, as well as with tours organized by stars of the caliber of Madonna , Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston and Lady Gaga. She is therefore a faithful spectator of Sanremo, but also a competent critic and gives her analysis to AdnKronos Salute: "The event now seems to have said goodbye to virtuosity" little rewarded by popular judgement, she observes. In the times of televoting, the watchword is to strike a chord at the first listen, to be liked immediately, to "arrive" and get into your head.
For this reason "the tendency is to present technically simpler and less elaborate songs, perhaps more cheerful or catchy, which can be better understood and evaluated even by non-experts". Motifs that are also popular on the radio, where the power of the notes wins over the 'allure' of the character.
Given these premises, "it can be said that this year the level of the songs competing in Sanremo is quite homogeneous - continues the voice osteopath - There is not a song that stands out above the others due to the specific technical requirements required". In general the opinion on the performances is positive: "Good management of the singing and good dosage of vocal emissions, favored precisely by the choice to avoid particular vocal excursions". Although, "especially in the first evening, the impression, not only mine, is that there was perhaps some noise problem. Added to the emotion" of powerful spotlights like those of the Ariston, "someone was penalized".
Compared to the 2015 edition, the expert further observes, "in this one the level of the younger 'big names' was much closer to that of the doyens". Going into the merits of the various proposals, "the artists who remained within their own genre were certainly more rewarded than those who dared to venture into less familiar sound terrain".
Among those who are very faithful to themselves, Valentina mentions "Enrico Ruggeri and Arisa", as well as "Elio and the tense stories which, as usual, offered a great variability of musical styles and rhythms, with an elaboration that denotes great knowledge" of the pentagram. Also favorably surprising the professional was "Irene Fornaciari: the choice of the song helped bring out the strong points of her voice more than other songs brought to the Festival in the past".
Zucchero's daughter is one of the artists who, according to the singers' osteopath, does not deserve elimination. "In the first evening I would have definitely put her in the 'green zone' of the top 6 positions, perhaps moving Deborah Iurato and Giovanni Caccamo to the red area for whom I believe there were acoustic problems". Instead "in the second I would have moved Dolcenera up and Clementino down".
The favorites in the sprint to victory? "I believe that in the big category Arisa has a good chance of winning" by repeating first place in 2014. "Annalisa could also have a chance", while "among the new proposals I particularly appreciated the very young Chiara Dello Iacovo".
Whoever will be lifting the statuette of the rampant lion on the palm, Valentina's advice applies to everyone: "Before going on stage, don't eat too much and don't drink alcohol. And once in front of the microphone, open your voice and put your heart into it."
Source: https://www.adnkronos.com/losteopata-dei-cantanti-il-cuore-nella-voce-per-vincere-sanremo_5zwDBlBfhkDyDJtkdopWh9